The View Of The World

Neglect and a constant sense of guilt, foisted upon children by irresponsible parents, is the principal reason people suffer from this condition, and research confirms this.Codependents need to acknowledge themselves as victims, because they are.A bad childhood is the most frequent cause of the codependent condition.Codependents develop feelings of worthlessness.They perceive themselves as unloved and undeserving of love.Such perceptions distort their reality, so they refuse to confront problems and shun personal responsibility, often denying their concerns and becoming preoccupied with another person, which leads to their controlling behavior and their tendency to blame others.A codependent person tries to effect change in the other person.The other person resists, frustrating the ability of the codependent individual to control the situation and the relationship.This reinforces their initial perceptions, and the cycle repeats.As we stated earlier, the causes of such behaviors and feelings stem from childhood, and are the consequence of parental malfeasance.The presence of one or more of these factors can be a precursor to the development of codependency.The complexity of the origin and symptoms of addiction dictates the complexity of the treatment.In the initial stages, the inclusion of pharmacotherapy can help stabilize a person’s general mental state.It is necessary for a person to learn ways of functionally reacting in relationships, to develop spontaneity and independence, to focus on themselves, their desires and goals, to be emotionally literate, to stop taking responsibility for others, and begin taking responsibility for personal choices, emotions, and behaviors.They need to stop feeling like victims for trying to save others, to develop confidence in their thinking and competencies in communication, to learn how to adequately stand up for Themselves through assertive behavior.The goal is to develop a capacity for closeness that will help them build healthy and functional relationships that can stimulate their further psychological growth.If your parent was incapable of fulfilling the parental role, you may have taken over the parental role to fill in the gaps.You took care of your parents and/or siblings, paid the bills, cooked the meals, and now, you are repeating this pattern of behavior in your relationships.If your parents abandoned you, lied to you, failed you, it is very likely that you have become distrustful of others and that you tend to believe that the people you love can hurt you.Through excessive control, you are unknowingly protecting yourself from being hurt again, and this is where you create the emotional gap between yourself and others.If you grew up with parents who blamed you for everything and if their behavior toward you was such that you began to hide within yourself while doing everything for everyone, then there is a high probability that you developed a codependent condition and became a person who is addicted to relationships that are unhealthy and toxic.We want to emphasize that people who suffer from codependency are victims.If you are a codependent person or someone you care about is a codependent person, it is important to help them and prevent this condition from escalating into severe depression, anxiety, or worse.The difference between a codependent person and a classical dependent person is difficult to see, but the differences are significant.Here, you need to pay attention to all the factors that characterize both conditions.We will clearly show you what codependency is and the twin key elements for distinguishing between these two conditions.Even the best psychiatrist can confuse a codependent person with a classic dependent person.The consequences are great in both conditions, but we can say with certainty that the consequences in codependent persons are greater, and that if left untreated they can escalate to disaster.A dependent personality disorder is recognizable by its general pattern of dependence, and the tendency to submit to others, without which submission, such persons believe that they cannot survive.Because these individuals do not allow their aggression to surface, but rather turn it inward, a common symptom is anxiety.The person with the dependent personality disorder does not usually recognize the problem.This disorder is more common in women than in men.It is typically recognized in early adulthood.Although psychotherapists believe dependent personality disorder to be easier to treat, effective treatment involves a lot of time and many challenges.Then severe anxiety ensues, followed by an attempt to allow others to solve their problems.In interpersonal relationships, the dependent personality is recognized by behaviors that manifest their willingness to sacrifice for others, attach to them, and, above all, their expectation that others will take responsibility.The way a person with this problem thinks, is characterized by suggestiveness, and preoccupation with interpersonal relationships.They tend to think of loved ones as would a constantly worried or overprotective parent.Under stress, they respond with depression.Their temperament, that is, their reactions to this condition are reflected in lower energy levels, fearfulness, and palpable withdrawal during childhood.Dependent personality is also recognized by a pattern of emotional attachment best described as preoccupied.They are preoccupied with maintaining the emotional connections that represent their security base.This preoccupation is reinforced by the fact that they see themselves in a bad light and view others in a favorable light.The basic message that people with this condition received from their parents during childhood could be summed up by the phrase You cannot do this alone.As a result, these individuals began to see themselves as fine and cultured, but incapable and fragile. Also, the entire pattern of their upbringing has led them to view the world as a place full of other people who will care for them, because they cannot do for themselves.One of the most important criteria, against which professionals make a diagnosis of dependent personality, is that they tend to rely on others to take responsibility in all important areas of their lives.You are afraid but you don’t run away from responsibility easily like a classic dependent person.

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